Susenji Ollie Carb Blocker


It’s finally here! Susenji OLLIE 🍓- Southeast Asia’s FIRST ever healthy formula to reawaken your metabolism naturally. Only meant to be taken before meals, it is easy and convenient to incorporate into our modern generation's lifestyle!

With the latest Japanese technology, Susenji is the first company in the world to work with OLEAVITA extracted from organic olive leaf extract that promotes a natural fat-burning effect.

It increases your metabolism rate and enhances liver functions naturally through the activation of the fat-burning effect of your mitochondria.

With more blood orange extract, it inhibits body fat accumulation so look forward to getting your ideal, slimmer body shape.

This is not a laxative, not a detox & not a meal replacement product. 

3grams each sachet.
1 box contains 25 Sachets.